Summer 2003 | Trade and Industry Development

Summer 2003

Trade & Industry Development Magazine

Through the aid of our editorial contributors, this summer issue of Trade & Industry Development delves into the complex task of site selection for the plastics and metals industries. These contributors represent a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of site selection, real estate development, economic development and trade zone initiatives. In addition, we have called upon the leaders of NAM and SPI to provide insight into these industrial economies.

In this issue

Site Selection for the Plastics Industry

BY: Ed McCallum

What is the fourth largest manufacturing industry in the United States after Motor Vehicle and Equipment, Electronic Components and Accessories; and Petroleum Refining? What industry over the past 25 years grew faster than manufacturing as a whole in terms of employment, real shipments and real value added? With the exception of raw materials and resins concentrated primarily in the Gulf Coast Region, what industry is virtually uniformly distributed throughout the United States? In case you haven't guessed it by now, the answer is Plastics. more....