Trade & Industry Development Magazine
While having a relaxed dinner the other night, my husband and I had another one of our little "dream sessions" - we chatted about some of the things we're looking forward to doing when we retire. One of the things at the top of my (long) list is travel...but with a twist! I would love to make a trip that centers around visiting different manufacturing facilities. To be honest, I really don't care what they're manufacturing; I just find it fascinating to watch all of those machines turning raw materials into finished products.
Click here for Digital VersionI have always been concerned about the future of our children, but have become even more so since I, myself, became a grandmother a year ago. I have a precious grandson, Connor, who is a healthy and energetic "little man" - my dream is for him to remain healthy and energetic. Fortunately, I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm excited about the direction in which this great Nation is headed; we're headed for a much cleaner nation. Wouldn't our forefathers be proud? I am. And I'm excited about this particular issue - we consider it our "Clean Industries" issue.
Click here for Digital VersionAt Trade & Industry Development, we have decided to take the positive approach to these challenges and we encourage everyone else to do the same. Sometimes we just need to step back for a moment and re-evaluate the situation. That's exactly what we strive to do with our editorials and we hope you'll look to us as your 'solutions provider.'
Click here for Digital VersionAnother year has come and gone and we are both proud and excited to present our 4th anniversary edition of the Corporate Investment & Community Impact (CiCi) Awards....and from a personal standpoint, not a moment too soon. I'm exhausted - what a grueling task! After receiving over 1,000 submissions from across the country, we had the difficult mission of narrowing the list down to only 30 winners - 15 for Corporate Investment and 15 for Community Impact.
Click here for Digital VersionWell I never thought I'd see the day that the price of gas would drop so much...and so quickly. It wasn't long ago I paid $4.09 for a gallon of gas; last night I filled my tank for $1.59 per gallon. Amazing! Looks like the New Year is going to be great - I just hope we don't become complacent when it comes to finding alternative fuel sources.
Click here for Digital Version2008
In our Feature article on metals, William Hearn discusses how the metals industry is a broad manufacturing industry; he also cites other niche metals opportunity markets. If you're in the plastics industry, you'll definitely want to read our Feature article written by Michael P. Hickey. In his article, Mike discusses key drivers and factors for success in location strategies for the plastics industry. Then Kevin Mayer's Special Report, "The Vital Many," explains the basic structure of the polymer industry - one sector produces resins or raw plastics, the other sector processes raw plastics into finished products. If you're more into logistics, our Feature article by Leslie Rubin and Sarah Rubin is a must read. These two ladies teamed up to explain how you can impact your bottom line with economic incentives. This issue also boasts three Industry Outlooks: the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI), and the International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA).
Click here for Digital VersionWelcome to our Manufacturing issue, where we dispel the myth about manufacturing in the U.S. – its heyday is not in the past! In fact, U.S. manufacturing is the eighth largest economy in the world. And yes, while the manufacturing industry has many strengths, it, too, has challenges. As with any challenge, the first step in handling the challenge is to identify it. Once identified, a solution can then be determined and acted upon. You’ll find these ideas, and more, in the pages that follow.
Click here for Digital VersionWelcome to our “Clean Industries” Issue! This is our “Clean Industries” issue and I believe this issue is particularly interesting due to the variety of topics covered. From Technology to Retail to Alternative Energy to Technology Incubators – it’s all here! In our Technology Feature article, John Rhodes describes technology life cycle stages vs. location selection parameters. Jim Renzas explains how the Retail industry deviates significantly from other types of industry location projects in another Feature article. John Sisson discusses the four phases of siting wind and solar facilities in another Feature article. And Kevin Mayer, in his Special Report, explains how technology incubators may not grab the biggest headlines, but hold an important role in economic development. We think you’ll enjoy reading the Industry Outlook articles from AeA and AWEA. And be sure to read our Spotlights on California, Florida, Louisiana and Pennsylvania to learn what each of those states has to...
Click here for Digital VersionSite Location – Small or Large Summer is just around the corner – this is usually a peak season for selling/buying a home. Think back to when you bought your last home. What was the first thing you did? Did you make a “must have” list? You know, that list of those things your new home “must have” – four bedrooms, two-car garage, large yard, in good school district, etc. The list may have been long, but chances are, at the top were size, location and amenities. Site selection when buying a home is a very similar process to that of locating (or relocating) a business or industry – small or large. Whether that business is in the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, or the fuel cell industry, there are definite site selection parameters to be considered. Read this issue to get important information concerning site selection for these industries, as well as learning what the USFCC, SAE and AIA are doing to help promote these industries. Also read what Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky...
Click here for Digital VersionCiCi Awards – 3rd Year! We’re celebrating the 3rd anniversary for The Corporate Investment and Community Impact (CiCi) Awards and we are as excited this year as we were the first…or even more so. Everyone likes to be recognized for a “job well done” – and corporations, states and communities are no different. After receiving over 1,000 submissions from across the nation, we had the grueling task of narrowing the list down to the Top 16 Corporate Investment projects and the Top 15 Community Impact projects. There may be plenty of excitement in our CiCi Awards, but don’t overlook our feature articles: Dennis Donovan’s “Nearshoring: A Competitive Advantage in a Global Economy;” Ed McCallum’s “Community Commitment & Corporate Responsibility;” and Jane Mather’s “Site Selection Portfolios: Optimal Today but What About Tomorrow?” These articles are bursting with insightful words and important information from these three professionals. And speaking of...
Click here for Digital VersionAlternative Fuels and Bioconvergence…Hot Topics We are extremely excited about adding Alternative Fuels to the list of topics we cover. Not a day goes by that we don’t hear something on the subject…and for good reason. With the price of gas on the rise, anyone driving a car can understand why the BioFuels industry is among the hottest industries in the U.S. BioFuels development is popular nationwide, therefore industry executives should think strategically about expansions. In our Feature article on Alternative Fuels, Justin Sabrsula not only covers important site selection factors, but also the origins of the biofuels industry and trends that are shaping the industry.
Click here for Digital Version2007
Both plastics and metals have become a part of our everyday lives. With these industries growing, relocations and expansions are inevitable. Read our articles, “Plastics – from Bags to Medical Devices to Rockets” and “New Technology and Specialized Products Keep Metal Fabrication Companies on the Economic Development Radar Screen,” to gather some insight into making the best location decisions. “Setting Your Sights on Shovel-Ready Sites” will offer some insight into why these are so important in selecting a new location. And “The Plastic Fork in the Road” explains how polymer clusters are formed and the advantages they provide. You’ll also find articles from SPI and AMT. SPI recently launched an innovative program that uses the next generation of search technology to connect plastics industry buyers and sellers. AMT has begun to develop MTConnect – a communication protocol that helps machines, controls and sensors from different suppliers to communicate with each other. Our...
Click here for Digital VersionManufacturing has been an important component of the U.S. economy for decades, but global competition has changed the face of manufacturing throughout the country. Now, more than ever, companies are faced with complex decisions about where to maintain operations, where to downsize and where to expand, along with the most difficult element of evaluating the labor force. Our “Feature” articles give tremendous insight into evaluating your labor force and tax credits and incentives for manufacturers. There is also an article on ports and an article on FTZs that you’ll find most interesting. “Industry Outlook” highlights two industry associations: NAM and NMMI. The area “Spotlights” include Alabama, Kansas, Tennessee and Utah. They provide additional information to influence your next site location decision. We, at Trade & Industry Development, hope the articles included in this issue will give you valuable information to proceed with plans that will help grow your company to the heights in...
Click here for Digital VersionAccording to AEA’s recent Cyberstate report, the high tech industry in the U.S. grew by 150,000 jobs in 2006. While this growth is positive, several challenges still face the U.S. technology sector. Within this report and our feature articles, several factors are addressed, including the challenge of recruiting qualified workers for this field, and locating operations in areas in which appropriate talent is accessible. Within the logistics field, similar trends are occurring. According to IWLA, the 3PL community has experienced positive growth over the past year, with an increase in revenues. However, uncertain costs still trouble the industry. To learn how to negotiate these obstacles, be sure to read “The Power of the Pack.” In an effort to provide you with solutions to your site selection needs, we looked to the aforementioned experts, as well as several key state organizations. North Carolina, California, Maryland and Florida put forth their initiatives designed to entice your next site...
Click here for Digital VersionA concerted effort has been made to aid you in your next site location decision. Starting with our “Industry Outlook” presented by AIA and OESA, we have tried to show you where the industries have been, and where they’re going. Another “Outlook,” presented by NMMI, showcases their efforts and how they can help you manage your supply chains. Explore the relatively new trend of certified “ready sites” and what benefits you can reap. There are in-depth features focusing on the automotive and aerospace industries and advice from specialized consultants that can go a long way in determining the success of your next site location decision. For specific site locations don’t miss our “Spotlights” on Arkansas, Georgia, Ohio and Louisiana. Each of these states has made significant progress over the past few years. Especially Louisiana, which has rebounded from Katrina with a bevy of programs designed for companies interested in their area.
Click here for Digital VersionIt is always fun to receive recognition. Whether it’s a pat on the back from a peer for a job well done, or keys to the executive wash room, we all appreciate being recognized for our efforts. With this year’s edition of the Corporate Investment & Community Impact (CiCi) Awards, we are honored to be the ones to step up and say “Congratulations.” In this issue, we are recognizing companies and communities in two distinct categories: 15 Corporate Investment Awards and 15 Community Impact Awards. As you will see, the projects highlighted here represent amazing numbers. But the real story is beyond the numbers. It is within the companies, communities, regions and states that made these deals possible. Their stories, and more importantly, their futures, are what we are recognizing with this 2nd edition of the CiCi Awards. Along with our awards, we dedicated this issue to the efforts of the corporate real estate executive. You’ll find leading-edge articles designed to enhance your...
Click here for Digital VersionDriven by advances in technology and economic demand, focus on the world of “bio” has never been greater. Emphasis has been placed in several “fields” of bio: BioMed (enhancements to medicine); BioTech (new technologies from the life sciences); BioEnergy (alternative fuels solutions); & BioAg (improved crop development); to name a few. Each one, on their own, offers possibilities for augmented lifestyles. Combined, these fields present opportunities for a profoundly improved human existence. It is no wonder then, that regions worldwide have created programs to enhance their role in the emerging bio experience. In this issue, we explore those initiatives being offered, as well as the site selection parameters facing executives in these fields. For even more information, don’t miss the area “Spotlights” (Canada, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin) showcasing additional programs and initiatives designed to improve your endeavors.
Click here for Digital Version2006
With advances in technology, manufacturing productivity has increased with less dependence on workers. This issue of T&ID explores the intricate balance between workers and technology, all with an eye toward the proper model for expanding your business. In order to compete on a global stage, companies have sought to achieve optimal performance through streamlined processes and enhanced technology. Some companies have found this through automation. Others have found it through clustering. As explored in our “Special Report” column, the plastics industry has benefited from the grouping of industry professionals and resources in geographical areas, thereby pooling resources, technology and workers. The “Feature” articles cover the intricacies of business expansion for both the plastics and metals industry providing a blueprint from which to work. Our state “Spotlights,” provided by Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Michigan present numerous programs designed to enhance your...
Click here for Digital VersionAccording to NAM, U.S. manufacturing accounts for nearly two-thirds of industrial research and development, three-fourths of U.S. exports, and supports more that 20 million high paying jobs. Yet with all this success, distinct challenges face manufacturers in the U.S, including rising production costs and foreign competition. In this issue we explore the intricate balance of growth, site selection and expansion for North American manufacturers, and the resources and options available. The “Feature” articles provide an excellent overview of the what, where and how with regard to site selection, as well as strategies necessary for a successful site location. Included in this issue is a report on Foreign-Trade Zones, and the benefits available for manufacturers operating in FTZs. Accompanying this article is an insert detailing the location of the functioning FTZs in the U.S. For even more information, look to the area“Spotlights” (Tennessee, New Mexico, Arkansas and Kansas) showcasing...
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